10 Causes of Groin Pain That Most Men Ignore
All too often, men will ignore signs that point to problems with their groin until they are in a great deal of pain, which can make matters worse. The same is the case for less common causes of groin pain, such as hernias and kidney stones, for example. Pain felt in the groin can also, indirectly or directly, stem from the following:
In most cases, bursitis is the result of a repetitive injury, such as those caused by repeatedly throwing a baseball, football, or other objects, which, over time, triggers inflammation. While bursitis usually forms in the shoulder, it can occur in other parts of the body, including the elbows, hips, knees, and heels of the foot. Bursitis that triggers pain in the groin usually occurs when the bursa, the groin side of the hip, becomes inflamed. Generally speaking, individuals with this type of bursitis often complain of pain in their hip; however, this is usually a case of referred pain since the source of the pain is, in reality, coming from the groin. Some of the more common signs of bursitis affecting the groin include
- Decreased mobility
- Pain that worsens with movement
- Excessive swelling or redness
All in all, if you’re experiencing hip pain after playing sports or other engaging in other forms of physical activity, it would be a good idea to be seen by a physician to determine whether or not the pain is related to a problem involving the groin.
